Over these last few days we have all been horrified at the images and news coming out of Afghanistan. The abuse, hopelessness, chaos, stories of human tragedy, and religious persecution have been heartbreaking! We pray for protection, peace of God and the ability to overcome all obstacles, difficulty and hatred. We pray for God’s presence to be very real for those in harm’s way (Is. 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.). In spite of all we are hearing, there are stories of spiritual growth, triumph, and the underground church thriving! Praise God for those people! We continue to pray for all.

While we have many issues in the United States, the events of the last few days have reinforced some very important principles about those of us living in the United States:

  1. We have been very blessed to have forefathers with the foresight to include religious liberty as a right in our United States Constitution. The events in Afghanistan should generate a renewed appreciation for that right;
  2. We should have a renewed and intense commitment to protect our religious liberties. There have been many efforts over the years to erode and/or take away those rights, and we must renew our commitment to protect that freedom.

In A Pastor’s Pit I tried to demonstrate how easy it would for that right to slip away and how the attack could seemingly slide under the radar. Let’s pray those attacks can be successfully defended to allow us to preserve that precious right to worship uninhibited.

The constitutional freedom of religion is the most inalienable and sacred of all human rights.”  Thomas Jefferson