Jun 12, 2024 | Author's ramblings
During the dark days of World War II, Winston Churchill is credited with saying, “Never, never, never give up.” It’s easy to “give up”. Life gets hard and it is easy to be discouraged. In “The Kids’ Pit”, Sarah and Chelsea – as teenagers – felt they had no hope...
Jan 19, 2024 | Author's ramblings
As a retired judge (who still sits by assignment or for a judge who needs to be away from court), a recent TV news story caught my attention. It occurred in a Las Vegas courtroom as a judge was about to sentence a young man to prison. Before the pronouncement could be...
Sep 20, 2023 | Author's ramblings
The scales of justice reflect that Lady Justice is blind and demonstrate how easily the scales can swing one way or the other. While we want Lady Justice to be blind to improper influences, being blind to establishing proper priorities in life can have devastating...
Aug 31, 2023 | Author's ramblings
In the shadows of society’s conscience lies a group of individuals often forgotten and stigmatized: the incarcerated. Prisons are seen as places of punishment and isolation, with little hope for change or redemption. However, amidst the harsh reality of life...
Jul 24, 2023 | Author's ramblings
If you’d asked me 30 years ago what I saw myself doing after retiring from my law career, my answer probably would not have been, “Writing Christian fiction novels.” The things I wrote most in my career were legal briefs that would bore most non-attorneys. Yet, here I...
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